Fall essentials

Hi! So basically as you can see I'm pretty much obsessed with fall and again this post is also something abot fall. Yeah. So this time I'll show my fall essentials as you can see by the title. K, lets stop talking and get into the post...


Ok so this little thing right there is my bae. I literally love it even tho I have it almost three years sshhh...
Basically it's a warm scarf which warms up and it's colorful and stylish...

As you can see I'm scarf obsessed for this season and also have... AN IFINITY SCARF!!!
*Dunno why shoted that
It's a pink scarf with black polka dots. And I love it.

This beanie was actually DIY by moi... One day it was just a regular one and the nect thing you know BOOM it's an ears beanie, yeah new name...

All I did was just pom-poms and I just sew them with the beanie. Pretty much.

Now this is a whole other story... From Arizona to body lotion...

So the first item in there is an Arisona which is pomegranate flavored and it's the best thing for fall 4ev. The second item is a shower gel and a body lotion which are both from Tiger. The third thing is a necklace which is my fave and you can also see it in my spring outfit ideas, so I wear it in every season of the year... The fourth item is a nail polis which has my fave colour of nail polish for fall. The fifth item is baby lips which I have shown it in my mounthly faves. And the sixth thing is a head band which is very fallish an I absolutely love it!



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